
Digital scenography / Live projection mapping

Fondazione Merz / Torino / 8-9-11.06.2021

With the support of: Intesa San Paolo, Associazione Amalgama.

Link to the website

An interference, From the threshold between savage and technological to the bridge between the arts. In 1828, a young man appeared in Nuremberg, with a handwritten letter in his pocket, stammering what appeared to be his name: Kaspar Hauser. This is the starting point of the myth of the feral child, later extensively revisited in the literary, pictorial, and cinematic arts, creating an enigmatic and mysterious aura in which it is impossible to discern historical reality from the phantasmal spectrum.

Kaspar-machine begins at the threshold of the myth of the feral child, where there is nothing but a boy, a letter, and a stammer: a body, a writing, a voice: a dislocated body, an indecipherable writing, a stumbling voice. Kaspar becomes a poetic device, a machine through which we can bring a critical look at our contemporary social structures and reactivate the connection with the part of us that remains wild.

Video stills, Forêt des signes:

Kaspar-machine is an intermedia performance, written and developed by Gabriele Stera (poetry and sound), Zoé Fouquoire (dramaturgy), and Martina Stella (digital scenography: video dramaturgy, content and live projection mapping) in collaboration with Miriam Podgornik and Jean Philippe Albizzati (actors). The performance was created during Residenza Poietica, which took place from 03.05.2021 to 07.06.2021 in Turin.