Short movie / 8’15’’ / 2020
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“Ce qui compte n’est plus l’énoncé du vent, c’est le vent” Georges Bataille, L’expérience intérieure, Gallimard, Collection Tel, 2015, p. 25.
Parole al vento is a short movie edited after a performance, consisting of a series of mises en scène of an eight meters long asemic text, written with Chinese ink on a disposable tablecloth. The performance, one hour long and still shot filmed, records the writing process. Once filled, the unreadable text becomes an object, a presence itself, evolving in space and with its surroundings. The short movie introduces different situations in which the text interacts with the environment, while the wind animates the paper. From handwritten characters on the paper, the asemic text turns into the character of an imaginary stage, an acting presence, a sign in space.
The Italian expression throwing s.thing in the wind, means something is useless: The short movie title, literally meaning words to the wind, translates as empty words. An extract of the project has been published as an article for Utsanga magazine, 2020.